Get The Design Tree a breakthrough formula in design thinking that incorporates digital storytelling a simulation of your customer story.

The Design Tree

We know as a practice it's easy to get lost in a sea of ideas and perspectives, which is why many teams have design thinking mindsets, but very few have design thinking systems. However, unlocking this system of understanding, ideating, and applying your team's solutions are invaluable to your company's success. We know from practice that design thinking increases customer satisfaction and overall revenue. Our goal is to help you and your team develop a design thinking system by equipping you with all the tools and knowledge to make design thinking fun, exciting, applicable, illuminating, and rewarding.

  • Complete access to The Design Tree system which begins with a simulation of your customer story called digital storytelling and is complimented by over 40 design thinking strategies that help us learn the truth of our stories claims. Obtain deep insight into your customers to build the perfect product and experiences.

  • Learn the art of design thinking that incorporates digital storytelling. Training is included in your purchase of The Design Tree.

  • Get help and support in creating a simulation of your customer story and help to build out the perfect product and customer experiences.

The Design Tree and Design Lab
Every year

Kickstart Design Thinking with a simulation of your customer story in video format (digital storytelling). Collaborate in our Design Lab using your simulation, together validate customers, brainstorm product ideas and experiences, and refine marketing approaches.

✓ Design Thinking Training
✓ Access to our Design Lab Collaborate in Design Thinking
✓ Design Think a Simulation of Customer Story
✓ Powerful Brainstorming Session using Simulation
✓ Design Think around Simulation in 40 Strategies

The Design Lab

Ecosystem Edition

Every Year

Organize a Design Lab for your community unlock a breakthrough design thinking system to empower entrepreneurs through a simulation of their customer story. Collaborate to align products and services to design a future economy.

  • Design Lab Page for Community Collaboration

  • Three Design Thinking Programs for Engaging Entrepreneurs

  • Engage entrepreneurs in Designing a Customer Story

  • Engage entrepreneurs in Designing the Perfect Product

  • Engage entrepreneurs in Designing a Future Economy

The Design Lab

Business & Non-Profit Edition

Every Year

Organize a Design Lab for your business unlock a breakthrough design thinking system that will engage your team in over 40 design thinking strategies that incorporate the simulation of your customer story.

  • Design Lab Page for Business Collaboration

  • Engage team in Designing a Simulation of Customer Story

  • Engage team in Powerful Brainstorming Sessions

  • Engage team in 40 strategies to Design the Perfect Product

  • Engage team in aligning multiple products and services.

* Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back.