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  • Work with our consultants to plan a series of collaborative design thinking experiments for product creation and validation. Procure The Design Tree formula for your team and utilize the design tree for future iterations. Book an appointment to learn more.

  • Bring the power of The Design Tree to your community! Get training, support and help in opening a Design Lab and grant access to The Design Tree to your entire community. Book an appointment to learn more.

  • Purchase The Design Tree formula use our set of design thinking strategies to plan, learn and share design thinking experiments for product creation and validation. Book an appointment to learn more.

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Design Thinking Training & Toolset

Training & Toolset

Together let’s design think the perfect prompt for all design thinking your customer story in video format or your digital story. The script for your customer story relies on you and your teams ability to deconstruct your customer understanding how they think and feel and their essential problem. With this information we can construct a digital story and then use design thinking to validate the customer and the problem. From here we can use the digital story as a prompt in a variety of design thinking strategies found in our toolset. This is highly engaging training with a lot of movement and collaboration. We provide a customize digital story to engage your team in the training leaving behind a powerful customized design thinking toolset and a practical application of design thinking that incorporates digital storytelling.

Start a Design Lab 

Community Access

Transform any space into a hub of collaboration, problem-solving, and innovation. Grant access to The Design Tree to your entire community! Collaborate in over 40 design thinking strategies to overcome any problem, implement any new vision, design think innovative companies, and collaborate to make those early entrepreneurial ideas better. Cross-collaborate to create synergistic products and services that are co-created to usher in a new reality, a new world. Collaborate to design the future.

Design Thinking Toolset 

The Design Tree

Harness the power of collaborative design thinking with The Design Tree. Leverage the power of digital storytelling to communicate the problem of your customers, collaborate with your team or our design lab to create innovative products and customer experiences that delight and amaze.

The fun in digital storytelling does not stop there we can update our digital story with our customer research and begin the important process of cross-collaborating to make a suite of products and services across our organization. Enjoy over 40 collaborative design thinking strategies that incorporate this amazing format.